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Scheduling a Lesson | GRIT Athletic Academy

Ashley Ashley

Updated: Jan 22, 2024

GRIT - formerly Ashley Academy located in Evansville, Indiana is the place to be when pursuing your love of the game, when it comes to Baseball or Softball for young athletes. Local to the area, are some of the most talented and experienced instructors you will find who are focused on your athlete(s) and helping them to become better by equipping them with the knowledge to improve.

Below is a guide providing the steps you will need to take to set up your account. If you are NEW to Ashley Academy start with step one, if you are an EXISTING customer start at step two.


  1. Click the link: and scroll down to the red "Schedule a Lesson" button. From there you will see a login screen:

** You can also save this direct link to your browser for future use:

Underneath the login box you will select the link “Click here to Register” - You will be able to set up your account by filling out the form. Start with the Parent's name and then add the athletes (your child or children) as family members.

Now that you have an account you will be taken back to the login screen where you can now log in and schedule. Continue to the next step!


  1. Login to your account, Click the link:, and scroll down to the red BOOK NOW button. From there you will see the login screen.

Once you are on the homepage, you will scroll down until you see today’s schedule.

There are multiple ways but we feel that the easiest route is to click the button that applies to your need. The “Schedule Appointment” button refers to private 1-1 lessons, and the “Sign up for Camp/Classes” button refers to group lessons & camps.

Private Lesson


Sign up for Group Lesson (max 3 people) or Camp

2. After choosing your button, you will see a screen with the available classes/lessons and you can select the image under signup next to the one you choose.

3. When you choose one, this window will pop up and you will select the athlete it is for in the drop-down menu, and Add to Cart. Once you add something to your cart the time starts for checkout, as long as it doesn’t sit idle it will reset the two minutes if you toggle to other windows so be mindful or you will run out of time and lose your selections.

Once you have made all your selections, click “View my cart and checkout”.

4. Once you have made all your selections, click “View my cart and checkout”.

Setup payment or select your payment type and Click "Continue to Checkout".

5. Double check everything and once you have selected Continue with Payment and Scheduling you are officially on the schedule! Well done!


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